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イタリアでワイナリーを経営する一家が立ち上げたレザークラフトブランド "CECCHI DE ROSSI"
(チェッキデ・ロッシ)古くはCECCHI 家、DE ROSSI 家という別々の一族が存在し、双方の家系が一緒になったことで生まれたCECCHI DE ROSSI。イタリアはトスカーナ州 "PESICA"(ペーシャ) という地域に居を構え、山を所有し、ブドウ畑=ワイナリーの経営を主として活動。山に一族の住居を置き、夏場のゲストハウスなども運営しています。この土地は近年までタンナーとして有名なGUIDI社のアトリエがあったこともあり、ペーシャは革産業に携わる中では知られた土地。その山の一角に、”CECCHIDE ROSSI"のアトリエを構えていま革は特別に轢しを施したトスカーナ産のバケッタ・バッファローレザーを使用。染色は一族で生産するワインの主原料を使用した、国際特許を有する「ペレヴィーノトリートメント」により染められます。これにより染めムラは然ることながら、浸透率も影響し色の出方に個体差が生じやすいですが、ハンドメイドと言う付加価値に相応しいクオリティです。一族が代々ワイナリーなだけあり、赤・白・ロゼを使い分け染料を作り上げるという "CECCHIDE ROSSI" でなければ出来ない手法を用いています。
Leather craft brand “CECCHI DE ROSSI” launched by a family that runs a winery in Italy
(CECCHI DE ROSSI was born when two families, the CECCHI family and the DE ROSSI family, came together. The family's residence is located in the mountains. The family's residence is located on the mountain and they also operate a guest house during the summer. This land is well known among those involved in the leather industry, as until recently it was home to the atelier of the famous tannery GUIDI. CECCHIDE ROSSI's atelier is located in a corner of the mountain, and the leather is made of Tuscan bucket buffalo leather that has been specially treated. The leather is dyed by the internationally patented “Perevino treatment” using the main raw material of wine produced by the family. The quality of the leather is worthy of the added value of being handmade, although the unevenness of the dyeing as well as the penetration rate tend to cause individual differences in the way the color comes out. The family has been a winery for many generations, and the method that can only be done by “CECCHIDE ROSSI” is to use red, white, and rosé dyes to create the dye.
The first leather suspender series. The narrow Y-type suspenders can be worn with both casual and dress styles. They can be attached with a clip, so they can be used with any type of pants. Size can be adjusted with holes on the front side. The rear side is equipped with a well-designed, shrink-wrapped leather elastic, making these suspenders not only comfortable but also well-designed.
Made in ITALY
Shoulder Calf 100%
Free (ユニセックス)
幅 (Width) 1,5cm