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2024S/Sからメンズウエアの展開を開始したウィメンズブランド。2017年塚崎恵理子氏が立ち上げたブランド「CURRENTAGE(カレンテージ)」。"CURRENT" + "VINTAGE"(今とヴィンテージ)と "CURRENT"+ "AGE"(今を生きる世代)のダブルミーニングが由来です。デザイナーが長年培ったトラデッショナルな洋服への理解をベースに、その時感じるムードから生み出されるストーリーを反映したアーティザナルなもの作りを行います。エレガントでクラシックな洋服に新しさを加えたモダンなまいのコレクションが魅力なブランドです。
A womenswear brand that began offering menswear from 2024S/S. The brand “CURRENTAGE” was launched by Eriko Tsukazaki in 2017.” The name is derived from the double meaning of “CURRENT” + “VINTAGE” (now and vintage) and “CURRENT” + “AGE” (generation living in the present). Based on the designer's long-cultivated understanding of traditional clothing, we create artisanal pieces that reflect the stories created by the mood of the moment. The brand's collections are elegant, classic clothes with a modern twist.
The corsages that create a decadent atmosphere with split fabrics, tapes, and frills are all handmade by one of the best corsage craftsmen in Japan. It can add a touch of glamour to the everyday coordination of men as well as women.
We dare to recommend that you wear it with casual coordinates. *Because they are handmade, there are individual differences in size and shape.
Made in JAPAN
Rayon 100%
Linen 100%
Silk 100%
Size Free
幅/ Width/ 10cm
全長 / Length / 33cm