Xander Zhou/Cropped Military Blouson
XANDER ZHOUは1982年、中国生まれのファッションデザイナー。
中国でインダストリアルデザインを、オランダでファッションデザインを学び、2007年に自身のブランドをスタート。2015AWからロンドンファッショウィークメンズに中国人デザイナーとして初めて参加し注目を浴びます。XANDER ZHOUのコレクションは様々でユニークな生地を使いつつ、フォルムや機能のバランスを探り、トラディショナルなものを再構築することで、ファッションの新しい文脈を捉えようとしています。また、自身のルーツである中国という多様性をコレクションの中で表現。現在は北京をベースにその活動を展開しています。
XANDER ZHOU is a fashion designer born in China in 1982.
He studied industrial design in China and fashion design in the Netherlands, and started his own brand in 2007. XANDER ZHOU's collections explore the balance of form and function while using a variety of unique fabrics, reimagining the traditional to capture a new context for fashion. He also expresses the diversity of his own roots in China in his collections. He is currently based in Beijing.
This is a cropped jacket. It has a sophisticated sense of balance that makes it look like a military coat that has been cut in half and not just a military piece. The fabric is a well-hammered cotton gabardine. Bold leather straps, a sheep-shearing collar that is large enough to cover the shoulders, and an extremely short length. The extremely short length of this jacket is a perfect fusion of mode and classic. The layered style worn over a coat or the balance of pants can create a strong impact.
Made in China
Cotton 55%
Polyester 45%
肩幅/Shoulder Width/48cm