cleaveland×BELLA MOLNAR/Silk Scarf
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
ブランド名はブランドエディターがもっとも感銘を受けた映画の舞台になった都市名。因みに、サイズ表記も映画の登場人物になぞらえて名前で明記されています。こちらのスカーフはBELLA MOLNAR ベラモルナーという妄想上のデザイナーを迎えその背景を基にした独自の世界観を共に表現しています。「13 roses」英国の山間“小さな町”に伝わる小さな升目紋様cleavelandの象徴的なニットシリーズ「small town」において常にフロントに置かれているパターン英国国花である薔薇をモチーフに考案された編み地に思いを込めた寸法で絵図におこし100年以上の歴史を持つ伝統の絹染色技法“横浜手捺染”と言う技法を用いて軽くしなやかで極上の質感と肌離れの良さが際立つ
The theme is "something you see for the first time with a sense of nostalgia. The brand focuses on knitwear that follows the vintage European style but pays special attention to comfort and appearance.
The name of the brand is the name of the city in which the movie that impressed the brand editor the most took place. The brand name is the name of the city in the movie that impressed the brand editor the most, and the sizes are also clearly indicated by name in reference to the characters in the movie. This scarf is designed by BELLA MOLNAR, an imaginary designer, and expresses a unique world view based on the background of the film. 13 roses" is a pattern that is always placed at the front of the iconic knit series "small town" by cleaveland, a small square pattern that has been passed down in "small towns" in the mountains of England. The pattern is made by drawing a picture of the knitted fabric with the dimensions of the rose in mind, and using a traditional silk dyeing technique with a history of more than 100 years called "Yokohama hand printing", it is light, supple, and stands out for its superb texture and good skin-feel.
Dyed on domestically produced 10-monme twill weave silk fabric. It is carefully finished by staggered three-roll sewing.
Made in Japan
Silk 100%