ALBERT THURSTON /''ARCD別注'' Suspenders
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
熟練の職人達の手作業で作られるこちらの製品は英国で歴史と伝統のあるメーカー のみが入会を許される「British Menswear Guild」の正式会員として選ばれており、ALBERT THURSTONはサスペンダーのトップブランドとして世界に広く認めており、セレブリティーや政界の人々から支持を受けています。本来、伝統的なトラウザーズは、ベルトで締めるのではなくサスペンダーで吊るのが正装とされてきました。サスペンダーをするとよりパンツの形が綺麗になります。
A long-established British suspender brand established in 1820.
The products are made by hand by skilled craftsmen and have been selected as an official member of the "British Menswear Guild" where only manufacturers with a history and tradition in the UK are allowed to join. ALBERT THURSTON is widely recognized worldwide as a top suspender brand and is supported by celebrities and political figures. Originally, traditional trousers were considered formal wear when hung with suspenders rather than belted. Suspenders give the pants a more flattering shape.
This time, we have made a special order with a comical and fun pattern that is typical of ARCD.
There are a total of four types available.
Made in England
Green × Navy
リボン幅(Width): 35mm
リボン長さ(Length): 57cm-100cm
Length adjustable with adjustable metal fittings.