eofm / African Kuba Cloth Horse Leather Vest
eofm は服の歴史と構成を織りなす要素として民族衣装を研究材料にし、そこから得られる機能性や美を服に落とし込み多方面から表現したアイテムが特徴。今回eofmとARCDで企画したレザーベスト。ラフィアというヤシ科の植物の繊維でつくられるアフリカ・コンゴの伝統織物「クバクロスを贅沢に使用。精巧で美しい幾何学模様はすべて手作業で刺繍されており、その図柄にはひとつひとつ意味がこめられているそうです。また前身頃には芯材としてフェルトを入れており、保温効果も適用。後見頃は光沢のあるポ-ランド産のホースレザー。レザーを0.9ミリまで薄くし、着心地を考慮しております。またこちらはタンニンなめしをしていますので、経年変化も楽しんでいただけます。前あきのジッパーはWALDESを使用。全体的にコンパクトでややタイトめな着用感ですが、汎用性の高い個性的な1着です。
eofm uses ethnic costumes as a research material as an element that weaves the history and composition of clothing, and incorporates the functionality and beauty obtained from these costumes into its clothing, which is characterized by items that are expressed from many different perspectives. This time, eofm and ARCD have planned a leather vest. Kuba cloth, a traditional fabric from Congo, Africa, made from the fibers of the raffia palm plant, is luxuriously used. The elaborate and beautiful geometric patterns are all embroidered by hand, and each design is said to have its own meaning. Felt is used as a core material in the front part of the garment to keep the garment warm. The back is made of shiny Poland horsehide leather. The leather is thinned down to 0.9mm for comfort. The leather is tanned so that you can enjoy its color change over time. The front zipper is made of WALDES. The overall feel is compact and somewhat tight, but it is a highly versatile and unique piece.
Made in JAPAN
Kuba cloth 100%
Horse Leather 100%
Size Free