WILDFRÄULEIN (ヴィルドホワイレン)は生地、縫製、パターンにこだわったプロダクト。日本国内で独自開発した国産の生地、イタリアで開発された最新生地やアメリカ本土からデザイナー自身が厳選し、収集したアンティークファブリックなど、世界各国で集めた上質な素材にこだわったものづくりを展開しているブランドです。更にはそれらを独自の技法による染色を用い、昇華させているのが特徴的。クチュール、テーラーを中心とした立体裁断のパターンを基本とし身体に沿う洋服を作ります。またデザイナーの画家としての経験を活かしたオリジナルグラフィックを用いたプリントやそれをベースとしたオリジナルの刺繍デザイン、それら用いて表現されるのは、着る人の本質を引き出す為の洋服です。
デザイナー / ループ志村
建築家である父の元に生まれ、幼少期から建築をはじめ、ダンス、絵画、アンティークなど多方面の芸術に触れる生活を送る。2012年から銀座k’sギャラリーにて絵の展示を始める。2018年までの6年間の間、作品を作り自身の表現を磨く。2014年、due alberi 62 朝稲の下で洋裁を学びテーラーの技術を習得し、クチュールを始めとし、更にはテーラーの技術を用いたファッションブランドWILDFRÄULEINを設立。
WILDFRÄULEIN is a product that focuses on fabrics, sewing, and patterns. The brand is developing its products using high-quality materials collected from all over the world, including domestic fabrics originally developed in Japan, the latest fabrics developed in Italy, and antique fabrics selected and collected by the designer himself from the U.S. mainland. The brand is also characterized by its sublimation of these materials through the use of unique dyeing techniques. The brand creates clothes that conform to the body based on three-dimensional cutting patterns centered on couture and tailoring. The designer's experience as a painter is utilized to create original graphic prints and original embroidery designs based on these prints, which are used to express the essence of the wearer.
This G-1 vest is made of high-density nylon fabric. The item's appearance belies its body-conscious patterning and high level of practicality. Equipped with all kinds of storage. Size can be adjusted at the nylon tape section. Back front waist portion can be adjusted with cords and adjusters. Can be used in rainy days, and the mesh fabric lining ensures breathability. Can be substituted for a bag for those who do not carry a backpack. This is an accent piece that can be layered over inner or outerwear.
Designer / Loop Shimura
Born to an architect father, Shimura spent his childhood exposed to many fields of art including architecture, dance, painting, and antiques. 2012 began exhibiting his paintings at Ginza k's gallery. 6 years until 2018, he has been creating artwork and honing his own expression. 2014 In 2014, she studied tailoring under Due alberi 62 Asaina, and learned tailoring techniques, starting with couture, and then establishing her own fashion brand WILDFRÄULEIN using her tailoring skills.
Made in JAPAN
Size Free